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06/04/24 - Marymere Falls

We weren't up to a long hike, and it had been raining, so we took the hike up to Marymere Falls. The whole loop up to the falls and back to the Barnes Creek parking lot takes less than an hour, and with the rain there would be plenty of water. We were not disappointed.

Marymere Falls

From the higher vantage

A late trillium

The forest

Barnes Creek

More of Barnes Creek

Mock Solomon's seal

Keywords: barnes creek, marymere falls

03/04/24 - Marymere Falls

The hike from the Barnes Creek ranger station to Marymere Falls is one of the more popular walks in the park. The whole loop takes maybe an hour starting at the lake then through the forest and up to the falls. There's a bit of climbing, but most of it is easy going. We'll let the pictures do the talking.

Mount Storm King covered with snow

The trail through the forest

More of the trail

A fallen tree

Barnes Creek

Another view of Barnes Creek

Fern forest

The bridge over Barnes Creek

A side stream that flows from the falls into Barnes Creek

The footbridge over the side stream

Marymere Falls

The falls again

Another view, nicely framed

Plant life

A sand bar in Barnes Creek

Another view of the bridge

More of Barnes Creek

Keywords: barnes creek, marymere falls

10/20/23 - Marymere Falls and a Bit of Barnes Creek

We didn't want a really long walk, so we went out to Marymere Falls and followed the usual falls loop, but we also headed upstream along the Barnes Creek Trail for a little way. The recent rains have perked up the falls, so it was well worth the climb to the viewing platforms. Barnes Creek was also good to see with the fall colors coming in and lots of mushrooms.

Mushrooms on a log

The forest

Barnes Creek from the bridge

More of Barnes Creek

Marymere Falls

Marymere Falls from the upper level

The trail

Barnes Creek and signs of autumn

Another view along the creek

Ferns and a fallen tree


Another view

Another look at the creek

Changing colors

More little mushrooms

Yet another look at Barnes Creek

And before we left

Keywords: barnes creek, marymere falls

11/03/22 - Marymere Falls, Late Fall, Early Snow

We haven't been getting out to Marymere Falls lately. The recent rains reminded us that the falls are worth a trip. The signs were good. We were greeted by a rainbow across the lake as we headed west on route 101. There was a thin layer of snow on the ground when we pulled into the parking lot. We headed along the trail, under route 101, and entered the old forest, dark and bright with a dusting of snow.

There was a woodpecker in one of the trees, so we stopped for a while and watched as the bird hammered away at the side of a tree totally unfazed by an audience. Then we walked on. There was snow on the floor of the forest, but brilliant yellow foliage almost glowed around us. It was the last of autumn and the start of winter.

Barnes Creek was in good flow with its icy currents, and Marymere Falls itself roared heartily. This trail is always a wonderful walk through northwest pacific forest, but with the snow and rain it was almost magical.

Welcome to Lake Crescent.

Snow on logs, a hint of coming attractions

Clouds over the lake

Our cooperative woodpecker

That woodpecker again

and again

and again in a great profile

Autumn meets winter

The magical trail

More trail magic

and more again

Water meeting stone at Marymere Falls

Barnes Creek from the foot bridge

The falls meet water

Marymere Falls

The falls again from higher up

Snow in the forest

A view down at the creek

Another river view with the footbridge

Barnes Creek yet again

More seasonal magic - and it's almost time to reset our clocks.

The forest trail in transition

A last look up the creek

Keywords: autumn, barnes creek, marymere falls, winter

03/14/22 - Marymere Falls and Barnes Creek

There is a lovely little loop from the Barnes Creek parking lot just off of route 101. It takes one to Marymere Falls, and, all told, it is less than an hour's walk. When we want to explore a bit more, we leave the loop and head up Barnes Creek. We rarely go all that far, but this stretch of trail is less crowded and less known but just as lovely. It follows the river heading up and down through lush green forest. Our goal is a little spring that flows down the hillside and across the trail. It is nothing like Marymere Falls, but it is a good turning point for that little extra.

Rainy day forest

Marymere Creek - Note the drop of water on the lens.

The base of the falls

Marymere Falls

Along the trail

The bridge over Barnes Creek

Barnes Creek

Seen by the trailside, details

Fern forest

More of the forest floor

The muddy, but easily passable, trail

Another river view

Yet another

The little spring, our goal

You can step over this one, easily.

Another view

More ferns

More Barnes Creek

Another wide view

Keywords: barnes creek, marymere falls, spring

10/10/21 - Marymere Falls and Barnes Creek

Now that it's rainy season, we decided to head out to Marymere Falls and head up along Barnes Creek for a bit. The walk from the Barnes Creek parking area to the falls is pretty easy. We crossed Barnes Creek and headed up the hillside to the Marymere Falls overlook. A tree had fallen and damaged the fencing, but the view of the falls from the lower overlook was great. The drought has broken. We climbed the steps to the upper overlook, admired the falls for a bit, then headed down.

Rather than heading straight back to the parking lot, we took the Barnes Creek Trail proper. This is a much more rustic trail that follows the river and offers some great views. The devil's claw was brilliant yellow and the river almost sapphire blue. We didn't go all that far, just up to a little spring that cross the trail a ways down. Then, we headed back.

For Halloween, the spooky maple near route 101

The forest track

Another bit of trail

Marymere Falls from the lower overlook ...

... and from the higher

Some tree damage

Barnes Creek

A peek at the creek

Fall color along the trail

Another river view ...

... and another

Leaf color

More color and the river

This is probably peak fall foliage around here

The little spring coming forth, as they do


More forest

Another creek view ...

... and another

Keywords: barnes creek, marymere falls, waterfall

01/04/20 - Marymere Falls and the Barnes Creek Trail

Marymere Falls is always at full flow during the winter as is Barnes Creek. We made our way up to the falls, then, on our way back, took the side spur up the Barnes Creek Trail. We didn't get very far. The trail was completely flooded. This has been a wild year for the weather.

Marymere Falls

Forest view

Barnes Creek

A side stream

Another Barnes Creek view

The bridge over Barnes Creek

The flooding on the Barnes Creek Trail

A log enjoying the weather

A more typical puddle

Barnes Creek again

A less happy log

Keywords: barnes creek, marymere falls, weather, winter

12/01/18 - Rainy Day at Marymere Falls

If you live in the Pacific Northwest, you have to like rain. We like rain, and one of the great things to do here on a rainy day is to go visit a waterfall like Marymere Falls on Lake Crescent. The forest is at its best in the gloom and damp, and Barnes Creek was roaring white with foam. The falls themselves were in full spate, even spraying the viewing platforms.

The forest

Almost Jurassic

Some running water

A view down at a side stream

Marymere Falls

Water under the bridge

White water

More white water in Barnes Creek

The forest again

Keywords: barnes creek, marymere falls, waterfall

01/04/18 - Winter at Marymere Falls

Now that construction on 101 along Lake Crescent has stopped for the winter, we went out to Marymere Falls. There was a bit of snow on the ground, and the forest was in its wintry colors. Barnes Creek was silver blue and running freshly. It wasn't a long walk. The loop to the falls takes less than an hour, but it was nice getting out to an old favorite hike.

Marymere Falls

Looking down at snow and Barnes Creek

Winter water

The footbridge, free of ice

Another look at the winter creek

Just a bit of snow

Walking through the woods

Keywords: barnes creek, lake crescent, marymere falls, winter

06/10/17 - Barnes Creek and Marymere Falls

The Barnes Creek trail is a little gem starting on the south side of Lake Crescent. The forest is much wilder than one might expect for a place so accessible. We made a quick side trip to Marymere Falls which was running full spate. Then we headed up Barnes Creek a bit. Most people just do the loop to the falls, but the trail along the creek has its rewards. We had some good views of the creek, and we got to see our favorite little waterfall before heading back.

Wild forest

More wild forest

Marymere Falls

Another view of Marymere Falls

Pacific dogwood in bloom

Barnes Creek

Our favorite little waterfall

Keywords: barnes creek, marymere falls, waterfall

12/18/16 - Barnes Creek - Ice and Snow

We've had a bit of snow lately, so we went for a walk in the woods. We took the Barnes Creek trail, but we didn't make it to Marymere Falls. The footbridge was just too icy for us. Still, it was worth the walk. The snow fall in the forest was beautiful.

The path through the woods

Barnes Creek

The footbridge - too icy for us

A river view

Snow in the woods

More snow

More woods (with snow)

An icy scene


The forest floor

The icy river again

Keywords: barnes creek

10/20/16 - Barnes Point and Marymere Falls

The big wind storm seems to have spared Port Angeles and the immediate vicinity, but outside of the rain shadow of the Olympic Mountains there was wind to spare. We checked out Marymere Falls and found plenty of windfall. Trees had fallen across the trail, but we made our way to the roaring falls. We had planned to head up Barnes Creek a bit, but the wind fall and brush were too much for us. Instead we went back the long way passing by the lodge. We followed the river down to the lake proper, then cut back inland.

Some fallen trees

Some more fallen trees

Autumn color

Barnes Creek

Marymere Falls

More color - This has been a great year.

The creek again

Emerald forest

More of the creek

Even more water

Down by the lake

Keywords: barnes creek, marymere falls, port angeles. autumn

08/18/16 - Storm King

Hurricane Ridge Road is being repaired. We were planning to climb to Klahane Ridge, but the line at the park entry station ran back past the Lake Dawn turn off. It looked like a long wait, so we made a U-turn and headed out to Barnes Creek determined to climb something or another. What we wound up climbing was Storm King, the peak dominating the south side of Lake Crescent.

To be honest, we only made it up to the ledge where we had a great view of Pyramid Peak and points north. Serious climbers go up another 300 feet or so to the actual peak, but we were at our limit. This trail is always challenging. Unlike the Switchback Trail up to Klahane Ridge, the Storm King trail never lets up. It is steep and demanding all the way. There are no easy switchbacks. Worse, it has been dry this year, so the trail was sand and pebbles, terrible footing.

Next time, it’s Klahane Ridge, for sure.

A good omen - We saw this woodpecker on our way to the climb.

Trail on a slope

A view from the ledge

A look down at the road

More of the trail

Keywords: barnes creek, lake crescent, storm king

11/02/15 - Marymere Falls and Barnes Creek

With all the rain, we had to get out and see Marymere Falls. We were pleased to see the falls were in full rush and Barnes Creek running wild and rapid. We couldn't walk the full loop to the two falls overlooks. The lower approach has been damaged, so we went to the upper overlook first. There was a branch down there blocking a lot of the view, so we walked down the steps to the lower overlook and really enjoyed the view down there.

OUR ADVICE: If you do go to Marymere Falls and are disappointed by the blocked view at the upper overlook, head down the steps for a better look.

After visiting the falls we wandered up Barnes Creek a bit and enjoyed the water in full rush, surrounded by ferns and mossy trees. There was a bit of fog, so the hills above and more distant views were shrouded and hazy. It was a perfect northwestern forest experience.

Fog shrouded forest

The occluded view of the falls from the upper overlook

The view from the lower overlook

The damaged section of the approach to the lower overlook

Barnes Creek, white water

More Barnes Creek

The trail again

More mystery trees

Another view of Barnes Creek

Another mysterious tree

A recently fallen tree across the creek

Keywords: barnes creek, marymere falls

08/16/15 - In Search of Water

This has been a dry summer, and it shows. Rivers just aren't flowing the way they usually do at this time of year. They're about a month or so off, with the current August flow more like the usual flow in late September. The trails are dry, too, with crumbly dirt and lots of loose pebbles.

In search of water we went to Barnes Creek and were pleased to see that Lake Crescent still has a fair bit of water. We started climbing the Mount Storm King trail to get a better view of the lake, but we didn't get far. The trail was crumbling, and it is a steep trail. If we were slipping on the way up, coming down would be treacherous. We turned around and took a look at Marymere Falls. It was nice to see some flowing water.

At the pebble beach we could see just how low the flow was in Barnes Creek. The river was much narrower and the beach much larger than usual. Then we walked a bit up the Barnes Creek trail and got a few glimpses of the river. We got our water fix, at least for now, but we're hoping for some real rain.

Water in the waterfall

A bright sunny day

Looking up Barnes Creek from the bridge

The forest and bright sunlight

More forest trail

Keywords: barnes creek, lake crescent, marymere falls, storm king, summer, trails

07/08/15 - Marymere Falls, Still Flowing

We visited Marymere Falls on the south shore of Lake Crescent with some trepidation. The drought this year has been serious. We could tell there was a lot less water this year by the time we crossed Barnes Creek, but the falls were flowing, just not as much as usual. Small comfort, but this year, we'll take what we can get.

Marymere Falls

Keywords: barnes creek, marymere falls

04/16/15 - Barnes Creek

We've been getting out to the Marymere Falls a fair bit lately. This time we decided to head up Barnes Creek a bit and see how spring is progressing in the valley. The whole area is a riot of green with the trees, ferns, mosses and undergrowth all contributing to the wild forest scene. There were also trilliums in bloom, another sign of the season. If you do get out to the falls, consider following the creek a bit and checking out the spring scenery.

A trillium

A moss covered rock

The green scene

A little waterfall along the trail

That waterfall again

More green

Another trillium

Barnes Creek

Yet more trilliums

Another view of the creek

And another

Keywords: barnes creek, marymere falls, spring, trillium

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