August 2024September 2024 Current Home Page

09/02 - North From Injidup and Farewell

We took a walk from our hotel north along the Cape to Cape Track before heading back to Perth. It was our last morning, and we were tired. Still, we would be in the car for a bit, so it made sense to get a last bit of fresh air and exercise before the drive.

We didn't get all that far, but we did get to say good bye to the amazing Cape to Cape Track. The trail passed through now familiar country, perhaps with a higher rock to shrub ratio, with great views of the wild coast.

The view from our room

Keywords: australia

09/01 - Cape Naturaliste Lighthouse

Before an excellent lunch at Vasse Felix, we headed north to hike around the Cape Naturaliste lighthouse. We couldn't see the lighthouse from the parking lot, so we headed down one of the trails through bushes and twisted trees. We couldn't see the ocean either, but we continued.

Then we got our first glimpse of the lighthouse. We headed onward and took a turn towards the Whale Watch lookout. We didn't expect to see whales, and we didn't see any. We descended along long wooden ramps and staircases. Then we saw the sea, angry and active beneath us. We hadn't realized quite how high up we were.

We didn't make it all the way around the lighthouse. We were a bit hiked out by now. If nothing else, every hike had included a lot of stair climbing, and some of it involved crossing sand. Still, we felt we had earned our lunch.

A glimpse of the lighthouse

A walkway to the lookout

The waters below

The lookout

A view from the lookout

Keywords: australia

August 2024September 2024 Current Home Page