<< Redgate Beach

08/29/24 - Flight to Learmouth

The shuttle bus dropped us off at the little landing strip near Exmouth. While we waited for our plane to arrive, a lone hiker strolled along the runway. Our plane arrived a few minutes later and we took off for our connection in Learmouth. We did a bit of whale spotting. There's a symbiosis. The whale watch tours rely on small plane pilots to report whales. In return, pilots can spot whales on scenic flights by watching for whale watch boat activity.

We spotted a whale or two and circled about for better views. Then we headed south and then east across the peninsula to the big airport, the one with amenities like a terminal building and drinking water.

Cleared for takeoff

A whale being watched

Another whale

Probably North Mandu

Ningaloo Reef

Sal Salis, where we stayed

Dry landscape


A seasonal river

Red land

Keywords: australia