<< Redgate Beach

08/27/24 - Plan B: Canto Campground

Our guide's plan B was an inland hike near the Canto campground. The hike started in brush country and followed a track through a valley and then up and further inland into a forested area. The vegetation was both familiar and unfamiliar. Were those spiky plants palmettos or something else entirely? There was a purple wisteria like vine growing on various bushes and tangles of trees and branches. The trail was easy going with its ups and downs.

As we made our way inland, we climbed a bit, then the heavens opened. Rain poured. The pattern we observed in West Australia was for very intense rain starting suddenly then slowly tapering off and and ending. We had a very wet five or ten minutes. Luckily, we had our raincoats. We trudged on through the rain. The ground grew wet and puddles formed. Then the rain lightened and turned into a drizzle before stopping completely.

A piece of the trail

Inside one of those palmetto-like plants

The forest

Those palmetto-like plants

Tangled branches

More forest

More trail

A wisteria-like vine

Uphill on the trail

Through forest now

Further inland

Eucalyptus berrries

Wet trail

A mushroom

One of the few birds we managed to spot

More signs of rain

More forest

Keywords: australia