<< Guale Reserve

11/26/23 - Fort Frederica and the Journey to Little St. Simons Island

It was a rainy day, but we made a point of getting out to explore Fort Frederica. There was a whole town there and a fort. The British were braced for a Spanish invasion. The Spanish were right down there in Florida. Now it's an archaeological site and a pretty place to walk around.

Then, the rain picked up. We drove north to the marina and boarded the rain soaked boat that would take us and our soon to be soaked luggage to Little St. Simon's Island. It's a privately held nature preserve. Like everything in this part of Georgia, the waters were flat, but we were cold and soaked through by the time we reached the dock at the lodge.

Fort Frederica


All that's left

More oranges

The fort

Watch on the river


More of the site

The dock at the marina

The long ramp through the rain

A hunkered down egret

A rainy journey

This eagle is a regular at that sign

Further along and freezing

Hard to see clearly in the rain

Roseate spoonbills

Another terrible photo of roseate spoonbills

A better picture of an egret

Warming up by the fire

Keywords: georgia