
<< The Road to Harenna

12/15/19 - Alpine Lakes, Lobelia Forest, Another World

We passed a number of alpine lakes and wandered among the boulders and lobelias. It began to rain lightly. The sky was almost silver. Despite this, there was color all around us. There were shrubs and flowers and lichens. Here and there, the ground cover was green, not gray. We could have wandered and wandered, but eventually the wet and cold took their toll, and we headed back south to our lodge.

Gray and green

Yellow flowers

One grows fond of lobelias

A large alpine lake

A copse of lobelias

Green and gray

Misty mountain

More boulders

More green

More yellow flowers

Another bit of alpine lake

Rock wall behind a lake

Lobelias by the lakeside

Another hare

Another boulder

Red and green

Red and yellow

Gray lobelia sky

Across the plain
