<< Bones Diablo

07/06/08 - Lake Angeles Trail Update

We hadn't been making much headway on the Lake Angeles Trail. A huge swath of the forest had been knocked down by the winter winds shortly after the river crossing, and the trail was impassable. We'd clamber under and over a few of the great logs, but eventually, we gave up.

This time was different. The National Park Service has come through armed with chain saws and who knows what else. The trail is clear. We didn't make it all the way up to the lake, but we did get a good start. Other hikers, in better shape than we are, informed us that the lake is clear of snow. Several others were heading up with fishing rods in hand, and one group, heading down, reported swimming. Watch this page for the Kaleberg ascent.

Newly cleared forest

More windfall

The Park Service at work- the trails must roll.

The Pacific dogwood is in bloom.

We aren't sure of what this is. We'll stay tuned.

Keywords: lake angeles, trails, kale