12/18/10 - Alder Wood Bistro Brew 'n Burger

We just tried the Clark Family Farm beef burger at the Alder Wood Bistro and we were really impressed. We've been enjoying a lot of Clark Family Farm beef, but this was our first burger, and it was prepared by a master. It is our favorite burger now, hands down. We also tried Alder Wood's new extra dark, smoked hopped brew. It was extremely rich, and with the smokey notes it reminded us of drinking scotch. It was an overwhelming drink, so we didn't have very much. We really wanted to be able to finish our wonderful burgers.

Keywords: alder wood bistro, clark family, restaurants

03/27/09 - Gabriel's Rabbit Pates

We were recently asked to do some beta testing by the chef at the Alder Wood Bistro. Gabriel, having recently returned from Spain, had been experimenting with cooking rabbit and making pates. He had made two versions, one a rough country pate, the other more traditional. We gave them both a try. The country pate, with its heartier flavor and coarser texture was our favorite, but we had nothing against the smoother and slightly more delicate version. Which one will be showing up on the menu? We can't say. They're still both in beta.

The country pate, above, and the city pate, below

Keywords: restaurants, food, alder wood bistro

Another fine pizza, with baby tomatoes

09/05/07 - Alder Wood Bistro Pizza

Here's a shot of one of Alder Wood Bistro's pizzas. This one has lots of little tomatoes on it. Of course, this picture does not do the place justice, but it does give you some idea. For more details, see our Kaleberg review.

Keywords: food, restaurants, alder wood bistro

08/24/07 - Our Review of Alder Wood Bistro

We promised to post our review of the Alder Wood Bistro as soon as we could figure out how to spell their name correctly. (It's "Alder Wood", not "Alderwood"). If you saw our earlier post, you have probably gathered that we liked the place. Read our rave review for more details.

Keywords: restaurants, alder wood bistro