We often like to hike out
the lighthouse at Dungeness
or take the Cape Alava - Sandy
Point hike out near the northwest corner. These hikes take you a
long way along the water in the Strait of San Juan de Fuca or along the
Pacific, and while they are always wonderful hikes, they are best done
when the tide is low and the sun is in the sky. Sometimes we check the
tide tables to figure out when to go hiking, but sometimes we forget to
check the tide tables, and we don't get to some of our favorite
Now, Kaleberg Symbionts has a new software solution to this problem.
It's a simple program called TideCal for
users that lets you generate an iCal calendar
file with just the tides you want. We want low tides, between noon and
3PM, so we can hike and get back in time for dinner. In general, tides
under 3 feet are best, so we've put those tides on our calendar. Maybe
we won't take advantage of one particular tide, but now we won't miss
out just because we forgot to check the tide tables. |