



Basic Cardiac Window

Technical Specifications

Cardiac has 100 memory locations, each capable of holding a three digit decimal number with a sign. This is about 1KB. It has a single accumulator register which is capable of addition and subtraction, but don't expect too much. The other registers are:

Entering A Program

You enter a program by typing it into the memory cells. Click with your mouse and try it.

Running a Program

Set the PC to the start address and:

Saving and Loading Programs

The obvious menu commands sort of work on memory images.

The Editor and Assembler

Lame, isn't that what Jennifer Garner wears in Alias? There is actually a lame little editor and assembler you can get at from the file menu. You can edit, load and save a text file and then assemble and run it using the Run button. The syntax is wretched, but familiar:

label: opcode target

The label is optional, but must have a colon after it if present.

Comments start with a //

There is a data pseudo-op for initializing data.

The target must be a number or a known label. There is no fancy shmancy parser.

The opcodes are hlt, lac, add, tst, shf, out, sto, sub, jmp and inp.

The shift opcode just takes a two digit number. See the instruction crib sheet on the main window for the order of the digits.

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